
Own Your Story 

Unwritten may bring to mind the Natasha Bedingfield song and while that is not a bad thing, it wasn’t the intention. The song serves as a powerful image for writing your own future.

Unwritten is about looking at your whole life and telling the story of who you are on your own terms.

We each have a unique story to tell; we can let others guide that story and tell it for us, or we can take control of our lives and write our own story. 

what is unwritten?

have you ever...

  • felt like you are facing a big decision and are unsure of the best next steps
  • found yourself struggling to connect with those closest to you
  • wanting more out of life
  • scrolling social media, wishing your life was more like theirs
  • replaying a moment from your past every time you feel the slightest bit unsure of your future

  • constantly avoid conversation
  • feel like every conversation becomes an argument
  • have the same fights over and over 
  • find yourself feeling lonely even in the presence of your partner
  • Relationships outside of your own are causing tension (i.e. friends, family, work)
  • hope to move to the next phase in your relationship (living together, marriage, children, etc) and want to have a solid foundation before taking that step

In your relationship, do you...

how does it work?



i want in!

sounds like me

we've been there

Reach Out

Reach Out

Own Your Story

Revisit & Revise

Revisit & Revise

Create a Shared Story

Explore BOTH Stories

Make a Plan

Whether you know that your are ready to get started or you want some more information before taking the leap, I would love to hear from you!

We can schedule a session or a FREE consultation.

As we work towards your goals, you may find that who you want to be is clearer than when we started. Therapy can grow and change as you do. You are in charge of how you write your story.

We will work together to develop a deep understanding of who you are. As well as, having some practical tools for showing up as that person. 

I want to get to know YOU! We will take a look at who you are now and make a plan for who you want to become.

Each relationship has two unique perspectives, I want to hear from BOTH of you! To get started, we will meet together, individually, and I will have you complete an online questionnaire to better understand the full picture of what's going on.

We will create a realistic plan together for therapy. This can grow and change as you learn more about each other, and your relationship. Throughout therapy, I will give you practical tools to reach your goals. 

While you will always perceive your relationship differently (you are each unique individuals), the goal is to have a shared understanding of who you are together.

Whether you know that your are ready to get started or you want some more information before taking the leap, I would love to hear from you!

We can schedule a session or a FREE consultation.

let's get started!

  • wonder if your making the right decisions
  • fixate on the negative interactions you have with your child
  • feel like your teen is avoiding you
  • get stuck making decisions
  • feel overwhelmed by the logistics of caring for someone else
  • find yourself in the thick of toddler tantrums

as a parent, do you...

parenting is hard!