The teen years have long been described as difficult; a season of change that brings about uncertainty.

One day, your child is a happy and outgoing kid and the next they seem anxious, overwhelmed, or closed off. They don’t feel comfortable sharing their life the way they used to and friends become more important than family.

While many of the challenges facing teens are the same as years gone by, there are a lot of new technologies that have changed the way teens relate to each other and the world around them. Even successful teens need help navigating their emotions, lowering stress levels, and managing the desire to compare themselves to everyone around them (which is the entire world thanks to social media).

I find that teens often want to reach out for help but aren’t sure how. They are stuck between wanting to feel like an adult, and still needing guidance and support. While parents are more than willing to help, it can feel easier to open up to someone new.

who want more

for teens

While working directly with your teen to support them, it is important to create a confidential space in which they feel comfortable opening up about whatever they might be experiencing. However, collaborating with parents is also a vital part of this process.

We will regularly check-in about your teens progress and recommendations on how you can support your teen at home. Therapy may also include family sessions to help explore any issues affecting the family as a whole. This can also help develop a more open line of communication between you and your teen.

While the transition to adolescence is a tricky one, you and your teen do not need to navigate this alone!

what its like

let's get started!

the approach

I utilize from many different styles of counseling based on your teen's goals. I most often use values-based and attachment-based therapy. I am always updating my skills so I can support you in the best way possible. 

the beginning

This 90-minute session provides a space for your teen to share their story as it is today. While this process is about your teen, I will also ask for you to join us for part of the intake session to be sure we are aligned on our goals for therapy.


A typical session is 50-minutes long. This is your teen's space to work on their goals, explore emotions, and find their authentic self. Occasionally, you might be invited to participate in a family session in addition to regular updates and strategies to help your teen reach their goals.